

Through the development and application of genomics innovation, we have the ability to revolutionize healthcare with personalized treatments, unlocking the mysteries of disease and their treatments to improve health outcomes for all Albertans.

Improving Care through Advancing Precision Health

We’re at the forefront of genomic research, aiming to improve healthcare outcomes and revolutionize the way we approach medicine. By leveraging the power of genomics, we’re working to develop personalized treatments that take into account individual genetic differences, allowing for more precise and effective therapies. Moreover, genomics research is uncovering the genetic basis of disease, providing critical insights into how illnesses develop and how they can be treated or prevented. This sector is also committed to addressing health disparities, ensuring all Canadians have access to the latest advancements in healthcare.

We’re here to assist you in making connections and leveraging opportunities for funding and partnerships. Reach out to our team to get started.

Genomics & Health

What's in the Video

How genomics can be a game-changer when it comes to human health.
How biology, genetics and computer science work together to give us an in-depth look at our DNA and its association with health and disease.
A look at how breast cancer can be broken up into different types with diverse treatment plans.
How genomics plays a role in managing infectious diseases.
The impact genomics can have on rare genetic diseases.

Making Cutting-Edge Research Possible

Funding Opportunities

Genome Alberta offers a range of funding opportunities including support for genomics research in the health and biomedical sector.

Project Portfolio

Our project portfolio comprises a diverse range of initiatives that are driving advances in genomics research and innovation across a variety of sectors, from human health to agriculture to energy and the environment.




  • Reduce burden of disease
  • Improved care and data
  • Promoting pandemic preparedness
  • Molecular diagnostics and data analytics
  • Integration of genomics data into the provincial health care system

See What Our Representatives Have to Say

A person stands outdoors.

“Duis est diam, dictum accumsan bibendum at, maximus ut ex. Aliquam at ligula leo. Phasellus cursus lectus vitae ante rutrum feugiat felis tellus.”

A person in an office.

“Duis est diam, dictum accumsan bibendum at, maximus ut ex. Aliquam at ligula leo. Phasellus cursus lectus vitae ante rutrum feugiat felis tellus.”

We’re Here to Help.

For almost 20 years, we’ve supported the development and deployment of genomics-enabled solutions by initiating, funding and managing research programs and partnerships. Let’s connect.
  • Available funding opportunities
  • Facilitating partnerships
  • Building additional expertise and resources for your team
  • …and more

Contact Us to Get Started


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Moraine Lake, in Banff National Park
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