
ActiveAgriculture & Agri-food

Genomic ASSETS (Antimicrobial Stewardship Systems from Evidence-based Treatment Strategies) for livestock

PROJECT LEAD(S)/CO-LEAD(S) Cheryl Waldner (University of Saskatchewan) & Simon Otto (University of Alberta)
FUNDER Genome Canada 2018 Large-Scale Applied Research Competition
PROJECT START DATE October 1, 2019
PROJECT END DATE September 30, 2023
COMPETITION/ FUNDING OPPORTUNITY Genome Canada 2018 Large-Scale Applied Research Competition

Disease-causing bacteria are increasingly able to resist antibiotics used for treatment creating an unprecedented and growing global threat to human and animal health. Animal agriculture is also facing world-wide pressure to reduce its use of antibiotics in food animals. To meet this challenge veterinarians and livestock producers need fast and precise information about disease in their animals. This research supports large-scale uptake of genomic tools and strategies to rapidly field-test groups of calves for disease and antibiotic resistance. They will develop a diagnostic support network and cutting-edge computing tools for the livestock industry to manage genomic test data, assess risk and inform therapy decisions. The result will be precision use of antibiotics—quick and accessible information for veterinarians to tailor antibiotic therapy for individual pens of calves. Viruses and bacteria identified in calves arriving at feedlots can also pinpoint vaccine gaps for cow-calf producers.

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